
Hospitality Industry Challenge: The DeskSpool Pro

Today’s traveller lives in a plugged in environment. They’re looking to connect their smartphones, tablets, laptops and other smart devices simultaneously in their rooms, and expect their Internet connectivity needs to be covered. Remove the strain on hotel’s networks with the DeskSpool Pro. It’s a cost-effective and commercially viable solution that can support your guest’sContinue reading "Hospitality Industry Challenge: The DeskSpool Pro"

10 signs of an outdated boardroom (and the update fix)

Boardrooms are an essential part of any business. In there is where everything happens. From closing the big sales, to hosting company meetings and training sessions. But it’s not just about having a boardroom, it’s about having the right one. Over the years boardrooms have evolved from just a meeting place to full blown controlContinue reading “10 signs of an outdated boardroom (and the update fix)”

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